The 404 718: Where it's snowing in space (podcast)
Our apologies to the listeners who waited patiently for us to fix the live stream this morning--CNET Live has a brand new layout and we're still working things out, so thanks for your patience and understanding!Today's topics include a new generation of Four Loko alternatives, social-networking shoes, and Wilson's struggle to jam a big tip into a small ear canal.New manufacturers are springing to life to fill the void left by Four Loko and Sparks, and one of them infuses alcohol into an aerosol spray of whipped cream. It's called Whipped Lightning, and it's the newest way to get alcohol poisoning thanks to its 30-proof, 15 percent alcohol content.But if you really want to end up in a hospital, try whipping it onto a glass of 40-proof chocolate milk, the new newest Four Loko substitute coming soon to Minnesota, California, and Arizona.Remember the Boba Fett Adidas sneakers we first saw on our buddy Peter Ha's feet back in September? Those looked pretty cool, but check out these new concept designs for a new pair of Adidas Superstars designed to look like Facebook and Twitter.Luckily they're only concepts (for now), but with fools paying more than $1,000 for an official Facebook hoodie, it's not hard to imagine them arriving at Foot Locker in the near future. And while you're there, be sure to look in the clearance bin for The 404 Adidas Superstars as well. Thanks for the image Ddawg!Tune in after the break as we advise Wilson how to properly insert the tip of an in-ear headphone like the Monster Turbine into his tiny canals. Be afraid--it's just as terrifying as it sounds.Episode 718Listen nowYour browser does not support the audio element. Subscribe in iTunes audio | Suscribe to iTunes (video) |Subscribe in RSS Audio | Subscribe in RSS Video  Follow us on Twitter!The 404Jeff BakalarJustin YuWilson TangAdd us on Facebook!The 404 Fan PageThe 404 GroupJustin YuJeff BakalarWilson Tang